Corporate Responsibility

Jones Hire recognises that in our day-to-day business activities we have an impact on the environment, people and our neighbourhood. We are committed to minimising any negative impact, preventing pollution and the waste of natural resources. Also, through our influence on suppliers, we aspire to improve labour and human rights standards in the workplace. We believe that through continually raising our own standards, we may help to foster better practise across the industry as a whole. We have identified key areas in which these principles can be put into effect, and these form the basis of the Jones Hire commitment to Corporate Responsibility:

Water Conservation

By necessity our cleaning processes use water. Jones Hire commits to:
• monitor and seek to reduce water consumption wherever possible
• ensure that the most up to date water re-cycling processes are used to minimise usage.

Conservation of Raw Materials

A policy of 'maintenance and repair' is preferred to disposal and renewal. Jones Hire commits to:
• making purchases which favour good quality products that can be maintained longer term, rather than low cost disposable goods
• using processes for re-finishing furniture that use the most up to date systems for efficient application, low solvent usage and reduced spray booth waste
• seek to establish the provenance of major stock purchases to ensure responsible and sustainable sources.

Recycling & Waste Disposal

We adhere to a policy of minimising waste going into landfill in all aspects of our business. Jones Hire commits to:
• recycling all paper and cardboard waste from our input/output processes in co-operation with our local waste authority
• donating products which are no longer suitable for hire to local charities to reuse or sell for fundraising
• disposing of matter that is no longer usable or repairable in a manner by which as much as possible can be reclaimed and recycled, and in accordance with local authority requirements.

Energy Conservation

We minimise energy usage wherever possible. Jones Hire commits to:
• heating and lighting specific areas of the workplace only where and when required, and only during necessary periods
• implementing containment and insulation measures to working areas to minimise heat loss
• monitoring developments in energy-saving technology, and applying them where suitable
• limiting the fuel usage of company vehicles through mileage reduction, by use of GPS tracking technology and efficient computer-assisted logistics.

Protecting the Environment

We seek to ensure that all processes meet or exceed all statutory requirements and wherever possible set higher internal standards. Jones Hire commits to:
• pursue a strategy of reducing emissions and other impacts on the environment from its company vehicles
• seek to use in all cleaning processes substances which have the least negative impact on the environment
• favour locally-sourced products
• give preference to organic sources, where suitable products are available.

Enhancing 'Our Home' Locality

We are committed to being good neighbours, protecting our local environment and helping to preserve the good things in our community. Jones Hire commits to:
• ensuring that our home - our company site - minimises its visual, noise and any other impact on the local environment
• seeking to improve the locality by making improvements to the site which present and maintain a tidy and pleasant façade
• playing our part in protecting and preserving the local ecology.

Labour Standards

We recognise the contribution that staff make to the success of our business, along with our corporate and social responsibilities to them. Jones Hire commits to:
• comply with all statutory labour legislation for our own work force
• maximise and develop the potential of all our staff, whilst maintaining lasting and mutually beneficial working relationships
• seek guidance, professional development and auditing by appropriate qualified Employment Law consultants and training organisations
• hold and maintain a file of all our main suppliers, from whom we will seek assurance of compliance with international labour standards, and will monitor them accordingly.


We value our people, environment and neighbourhood, and wish to preserve and enhance all that is good about them wherever possible. We aspire to carry out our activities in a manner that will leave the environment as we found it, and hopefully in some way improved. Likewise we aim to have a positive impact on all the people that work for us, and our community. This Policy is an ongoing process. To assess our progress we assign one of our Directors to monitor and report annually on the implementation and maintenance of the Policy, and wherever possible to improve its standards through new advances in technology.